Database Systems

Hans-Petter Halvorsen

Database Systems

A Database is a structured way to store lots of information. The information is stored in different tables.

Introduction to Database Systems (YouTube)


Popular Database Systems:

Some of the most popular Database Systems today are:


Structured Query Language

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a database computer language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS).


Structured Query Language (SQL) (PDF)

SQL Server and Structured Query Language (SQL) (YouTube) + PowerPoint (PDF)



Here are some examples that I use in different Tutorials and Examples:

Library System Database Example

School System Database Example

Database Resources

Below you will find more interesting Database resources

erwin Data Modeler

Database modelling with erwin Data Modeler

SQL Server

Data Management and Implementation with SQL Server

Datalogging and Monitoring

Datalogging and Monitoring Examples

Datbase Communication in LabVIEW

You can easily connect and communicate with a Database from LabVIEW


MySQL Database System


MongoDB Database System