User Login

Technology Blog

Login Information

Two-factor authentication: First you get an Authorization Key on E-Mail, which you need to enter. Next, you need to enter your Password.

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Terms of Use

By using our Services, you are agreeing to these terms. Please read them carefully.

Data Security: Your password will be encrypted (hashed) and stored in a secure manner. It is impossible to transform the encrypted password back to it's original form, so your password should be safe. Still, you should not use a Password that you have already used for other systems, and especially not the same password that you use for your email system. Your E-mail address is your unique User Name, and it will only be used for verification of your account. HTTPS and SSL and are used for secure and encrypted communication between the server and the client.

Two-factor authentication: For critical parts, the system uses Two-factor authentication, which means you need to verify your identity by receiving a Authorization Key by E-Mail in addition to enter your Password.

Privacy: Only a minimum of required data will be stored (Name and E-mail address). Your data will not be used for marketing, etc. Your data will neither be shared with other systems. Your data will not be sold to third parties. The data will be used by the system for internal statistics. Your account can be deleted anytime at your demand. Unnecessary data will routinely and permanently be deleted once a year. Some data can also be permanently deleted by you at anytime without contacting the system administrator.

Google Analytics: Google Analytics is used for tracking and analyzing the traffic anonymously on this website.

Hosting and Data Storage: The Web Site and the Data are hosted by PRO ISP.

Contact Information:

The Technical Guy | a Blog about Technology - Hans-Petter Halvorsen

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