Course Schedule
Microsoft Teams
Contents: Introduction to Simulink Combining Simulink & MATLAB(Data-driven Modelling), Debugging in MATLAB, More about functions, More about Plots, Using Cells in the MATLAB Editor, Importing Data, Structures and Cell Arrays.
What is Simulink? Simulink is an “add-on” to MATLAB. You need to have MATLAB in order to use Simulink. Simulink is used for Simulation of dynamic models. In Simulink we create a Graphical Block Diagram for the system (based on the differential equations(s)).
Do you have Questions or need Help when not in Class? - In this course Microsoft Teams will be used for communication, questions, guidance, assistance, etc. Very often someone else is wondering about the same as you - or perhaps someone else has experienced the same thing and found a solution for the problem? Need help outside normal office hours? Perhaps a fellow student can help you if you ask your questions here? For example, if you have installation problems, etc., a fellow student can usually respond better than the supervisor can. You also learn a lot from helping each other.
Watch the Video (MathWorks) below in order to get an idea of what Simulink is:
Course objective: Open the Course Manual (PDF document) below and start doing the Exercises/Tasks inside.
Introduction to MATLAB with detailed descriptions and step by step Examples and Exercises:
The document above contains lots of Examples and self-paced Exercises that you should go through and solve on your own. The only way to learn MATLAB is to do lots of Exercises!
Note! It is recommended that you print out this document, or at least use a second PC monitor. In that way you can read and use the document while having MATLAB open at the same time.
In order to get a diploma, you need to deliver your code for the different exercises/tasks within this document.
You should also watch the following short Videos while doing the Exercises above:
Importing Spreadsheets into MATLAB
Introducing Structures and Cell Arrays
Below you find a Quick Introduction to MATLAB with Examples:
Simulink Quick Start Guide with Examples
Below you find detailed solutions to all the tasks/exercises above. Make sure to first try to solve the task yourself before taking a peek on the video solutions.
Video Solutions to selected Topics:
Do you need help solving the Tasks, or just want to check if you have done it correctly? Below you find detailed Video solutions for some of the Tasks:
Simulink + PowerPoint + This video is also available on YouTube.
Python can be an alternative to MATLAB.
Python is an open source and cross-platform programming language, that has become increasingly popular over the last ten years. It was first released in 1991. Latest version is 3.8.x. CPython is the reference implementation of the Python programming language. Written in C, CPython is the default and most widely-used implementation of the language.
Python is a mult-purpose programming languages (due to its many extensions), examples are scientific computing and calculations, simulations, web development (using, eg., the Django Web framework), etc.
Challenge: Have you delivered the necessary code for part 3? Are you able to solve the Exercises and Tasks for Part 1 and Part 2 using Python? Below you find information and resources for using Python instead og MATLAB.
When finished, submit Exercises/Tasks from ch. 2 (Zip File ""). Ch. 3-8 is also recommended but they are optional. Note! Dont use the .RAR compression format. In general, you only need to submit the m-files (functions and scripts) you create - not the stuff you write in the Command Window!
Note! Those who do not fulfill the conditions (filename and file format), will be deleted. You must then upload again within the deadline.
Upload your ZIP File in Microsoft Teams.
Solutions for all the Exercises/Tasks above. The solutions are password protected. After the submission deadline you will get access to neccessary access codes.