Hans-Petter Halvorsen
Data Acquisition (DAQ) is the process of collection data from different sensors into a computer.
A DAQ System consists of 4 parts: Physical input/output signals, sensors DAQ device/hardware Driver software Your software application (Application software).
The purpose is to read and write data using a DAQ device where we use LabVIEW, Visual Studio/C# or Python. We will exemplify by using a DAQ device from NI. We will use a DAQ devices called TC-01 and USB-6008 (which is part of the USB-600x low-cost series). DAQ devices from NI use the NI-DAQmx driver. Examples shown will work on all DAQ devices from NI that are using the NI-DAQmx driver. The principles used can also be applied on other DAQ hardware from other vendors.
Below you find lots of Tutorials and Examples in LabVIEW, Visual Studio/C# and Python.
LabVIEW is a powerful tool for making Data Acquisition applications. Below you find some useful resources.
LabVIEW DAQ Resources:
DAQ with LabVIEW (YouTube) + PowerPoint (PDF)
USB-6008 in LabVIEW (YouTube) + PowerPoint (PDF)
DAQmx in LabVIEW (PDF) - Different ways to use the DAQmx functionality in LabVIEW with practical examples both for TC-01 and USB-6008
Temperature Sensors:
TMP36 Temperature Sensor in LabVIEW (YouTube) + PowerPoint (PDF)
Thermistor Temperature Sensor in LabVIEW (YouTube) + PowerPoint (PDF)
Additional DAQ Examples:
Cloud-based Datalogging and Monitoring and Analysis
Data Acquisition in Visual Studio and C# using USB-6008 as an example. In Visual Studio/C# you can use the most of the DAQ hardware from NI since the DAQmx driver also supports Visual Studio/C# programming.
Visual Studio/C# and DAQ - Exemplified using DAQ hardware and DAQmx from NI
Here are some DAQ resources for the Python Programming language:
DAQ with Python (YouTube) + PowerPoint (PDF)
DAQ with I/O Modules in Python (YouTube) + PowerPoint (PDF)
Sensors and Actuators with Python (YouTube) + PowerPoint (PDF)
TMP36 Temperature Sensor with Python (YouTube) + PowerPoint (PDF)
DAQ Videos withn different Programming Languages and Applications
Industrial IT resouces